
トケイソウ科トケイソウ属の常緑低木で、学名は Passiflora rubra。英名は Dutchman's laudanum、Red passion fruit。
The Dutchman's laudanum (Passiflora rubra) belongs to Passifloraceae (the Passion flower family). It is a small evergreen tree that is distributed from tropical America to the West Indies. The stems are thin vines that grow by twining around other trees and plants. The vines and petioles are often deep red in color. Pale yellow flowers bloom from June to August. The fruit is an elliptic berry with soft hairs that ripens to a reddish color. The fruit is edible.
[上・中2] 京都府精華町「花空間けいはんな」にて、2006年10月30日撮影。 [中1・下] 同上にて、2006年10月03日撮影。