
キキョウ科フィテウーマ属の多年草で、学名は Phyteuma comosum (syn. Physoplexis comosa)。英名はありません。
The Phyteuma comosum belongs to Campanulaceae (the Bellflower family). It is a perennial herb that is endemic to Dolomiti Region in the southern Europe Alps. This herb grows on rocky places, 1900-2100 m elevation, and it can reach 5-10 cm in height. The basal leaves are cordate to ovate, and the cauline leaves are ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate with toothed edges. The enigmatic-shaped flowers bloom in late spring. They are pink with purplish-black acute tips.
[上] 大阪市鶴見区「咲くやこの花館」にて、2003年06月11日撮影。 [中1] 同上にて、2003年10月19日撮影。 [中2・下] 同上にて、2013年05月25日撮影。