ピレオぎく (ピレオ菊)

Chrysanthemum weyrichii

Chrysanthemum weyrichii

Chrysanthemum weyrichii

東アジアからヨーロッパ東部にまで広く分布する「いわぎく(Chrysanthemum zawadskii)」に近縁です。わが国の北海道西南部やサハリンの海岸の岸壁などに生え、高さは10〜30センチになります。葉は羽状に深裂し、裂片には粗い鋸歯または歯牙があります。8月から10月ごろ、淡い紅白色から白色の舌状花のある頭花を咲かせます。和名は、北緯50度線付近、サハリン西岸の地名「ピレオ」に因みます。別名で「えぞのそなれぎく(蝦夷の磯馴菊)」とも呼ばれます。「咲くやこの花館」での種名表記は「ちしまそなれぎく(千島磯馴菊)」。
キク科キク属の多年草で、学名は Chrysanthemum weyrichii。英名はありません。
The "Pireo-giku" (Chrysanthemum weyrichii) belongs to Asteraceae (the Aster family). It is a perennial herb that is closely related to "Zawadsky's chrysanthemum" (Chrysanthemum zawadskii), which is widely distributed from East Asia to eastern Europe. It grows on the shores of southwestern Hokkaido in Japan and Sakhalin, and is 10 to 30 cm tall. The leaves are pinnately deeply lobed, and the lobes are coarsely serrate or toothed. from August to October, it produces flower heads with pale reddish-white to white ray florets. The Japanese name is derived from "Pireo", a place on the west coast of Sakhalin near the 50th parallel of north latitude. It is also known as "Ezono-sonare-giku". The species name used in the Sakuya-konohana-kan is "Chishima-sonare-giku".

Shu Suehiro