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Eugenia luschnathiana

Eugenia luschnathiana

フトモモ科エウゲニア属の常緑低木で、学名は Eugenia luschnathiana。英名は Pitomba。 
The pitomba (Eugenia luschnathiana) belong to Myrtaceae (the Myrtle family). It is a small evergreen tree that is native to the state of Bahia, Brazil. This tree is cultivated primarily for its edible fruit, and growing up to 4-10 m in height. The leaves are opposite, 3-7 cm long, oblong-lanceolate, dark green above, pale below, with a short petiole and a leathery texture. The flowers are 1.5-2 cm diameter, with four (rarely five) yellowish-white petals. The fruit is a globose, bright orange-yellow berry 2.5-5 cm long, containing one or two (rarely up to four) 1 cm diameter seeds. This has a thin, tender skin, and a soft, juicy, golden-yellow pulp. It is aromatic, slightly acid and faintly resinous in flavor. The fruit is used for jellies, preserves and carbonated beverages. 
アメリカ・フロリダ州「フロリダ植物園」にて、2011年05月16日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro) 

Shu Suehiro