
シソ科プレクトランツス属の常緑多年草で、学名は Plectranthus ciliatus cv. Lemon Twist。英名は Lemon Twist Plectranthus。
The Lemon Twist Plectranthus (Plectranthus ciliatus cv. Lemon Twist) belongs to Lamiaceae (the Mint family). It is an evergreen perennial herb that is a horticultural variety of "Plectranthus ciliatus", which is found in southern and eastern South Africa. It grows to a height of about 25 cm. The leaves are broadly elliptic to broadly ovate with long petioles and wavy circular serrations on the margins. The whole plant is characterised by short wooly hairs and the edges of the leaves are edged with a lemon-yellow color. It also has a lemon odour. As an ornamental plant, it is the mainstay of the Plectranthus family.
アメリカ・カリフォルニア州「ゴールデンゲートパーク」にて、2007年03月16日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)