
キョウチクトウ科プルメリア属の半常緑低木で、学名は Plumeria pudica。英名は Bridal bouquet、Wild plumeria。
The Bridal bouquet (Plumeria pudica) belongs to Apocynaceae (the Dogbane family). It is a small semi-evergreen tree that is native to Panama, Colombia and Venezuela. This tree grows up to 3-5 m tall, and has one or two slender trunks. The leaves are dark green and unique fiddle-shaped, or spoon-shaped. The flowers are bright white with small yellow centers and bloom in the large clusters. They are usually not fragrant.
アメリカ・フロリダ州「エジソン&フォード・ウィンター・エステート」にて、2011年09月28日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)