
Potentilla cuneata

Potentilla cuneata

Potentilla cuneata

中国の中南部、四川省から雲南省、チベット自治区それにネパールやブータン、シッキムに分布しています。標高2700〜5000メートルの岩礫地や草地に生え、高さは5〜10センチになります。葉は3出複葉で葉柄があります。小葉は倒卵形から楕円形の半革質で、3裂します。7月ごろ、茎頂に黄色い花を咲かせます。中国語では「楔葉委陵菜(xie ye wei ling cai)」と呼ばれます。
バラ科キジムシロ属の落葉小低木で、学名は Potentilla cuneata (syn. Potentilla ambigua)。英名はありません。 
The Potentilla cuneata belongs to Rosaceae (the Rose family). It is a deciduous shrub that is distributed from Sichuan to Yunnan provinces, Tibet Autonomous Region in south-central China and in Nepal, Bhutan and Sikkim. It grows in rocky gravels and grasslands at altitudes of 2700-5000 m and is 5-10 cm tall. The leaves are trifoliate and petiolate. The leaflets are obovate to elliptic, semi-leathery and three-lobed. The yellow flowers bloom at the top of the stem around July. In Chinese it is called "楔葉委陵菜" (xie ye wei ling cai). 

Shu Suehiro