
南アフリカ原産のオブツシフォリア種(Protea obtusifolia)とマグニフィカ種(Protea Magnifica)との種間交雑種です。高さは2.5メートルほどになります。冬に濃いピンク色の苞葉に包まれた花を咲かせます。
ヤマモガシ科プロテア属の常緑低木で、学名は Protea obtusifolia x magnifica。英名は Southern Cross protea。
The Southern Cross protea (Protea obtusifolia x magnifica) belongs to the family Proteaceae. It is a small evergreen tree that is an interspecific hybrid between Protea obtusifolia and Protea Magnifica, both native to South Africa. It grows to a height of about 2.5 m. It produces flowers in winter surrounded by dark pink bract leaves.