
Viburnum dasyanthum

Viburnum dasyanthum

Viburnum dasyanthum

中国中南部の広西チワン族自治区、貴州省、湖北省、四川省、雲南省に分布しています。森林や潅木帯に生え、高さは5メートルほどになります。卵状長楕円形から長楕円形で対生します。葉の下面の主脈と側脈にはまばらに長い伏毛が生えます。5月から6月ごろ、枝先の散房花序に白色の花を咲かせ、9月から10月には果実が赤く熟します。中国語では「毛花莢蒾(mao hua jia mi)」と呼ばれます。種小名は、ギリシャ語の「毛深い(dasys)」+「花(anthos)」に由来します。
スイカズラ科ガマズミ属の落葉低木で、学名は Viburnum dasyanthum。英名はありません。 
The Viburnum dasyanthum belongs to Caprifoliaceae (the Honeysuckle family). It is a small deciduous tree that is distributed in Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Sichuan, and Yunnan provinces in south-central China. It grows in forests and shrublands and grows up to 5 m tall. They are ovate-oblong to oblong and grow in pairs. The main and lateral veins on the lower surface of the leaf are sparsely covered with long pubescent hairs. The white flowers bloom in May or June in corymbs at the ends of branches, and the fruits ripen to red in September or October. In Chinese, it is called "毛花莢蒾" (mao hua jia mi). The specific epithet comes from the Greek "dasys" (hairy), and "anthos" (flower). 

Shu Suehiro