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Brassica rapa cv. Vitamin-na

Brassica rapa cv. Vitamin-na

Brassica rapa cv. Vitamin-na

Brassica rapa cv. Vitamin-na

Brassica rapa cv. Vitamin-na

Brassica rapa cv. Vitamin-na

アブラナ科アブラナ属の二年草で、学名は Brassica rapa cv. Vitamin-na (syn. Brassica campestris cv. Vitamin-na)。英名はありません。
The "Vitamin-na" (Brassica rapa cv. Vitamin-na) belongs to Brassiaceae (the Mustard family). It is a biennial herb and a kind of "Tsukena (pickled vegetables)" cultivated at the Shimane Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station in 1954. It is a hybrid of "Oosaka-shirona" and "Chinese flat cabbage", and is characterized by a high content of vitamin A. The leaves are dark green and soft, the bolting is slow, and it is an easy-to-cultivate variety with excellent cold resistance and disease resistance. It can be used for pickles, simmered dishes, soaked dishes, stir-fried oil, and miso soup. In 2003, they also produced a variety called 'Asukko', which is a cross between 'Vitamin-na' and "broccoli".
[上・中1] 大阪府枚方市招提元町にて、2007年12月19日撮影。
[中2] 千葉県香取市大角にて、2010年05月25日撮影。
[中3] 同上にて、2010年05月27日撮影。
[中4] 同上にて、2012年11月16日撮影。
[下] 同上にて、2015年10月27日撮影。

Shu Suehiro