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Carex pendula

Carex pendula

カヤツリグサ科スゲ属の常緑多年草で、学名は Carex pendula。英名は Pendulous sedge。 
The Pendulous sedge (Carex pendula) belongs to Cyperaceae (the Sedge family). It is an evergreen herb that is native to western, central and southern of Europe, north-west Africa, and parts of the Middle East. This herb grows in woodland, scrubland, hedges and beside streams, and it can reach about 1.8 m in height. The stems are smooth, triangular in cross-section. The leaves are long, hairless, and yellowish-green above and glaucous below. The flowers are borne on long, drooping, catkin-like spikes at the top of the stem, and bloom from May to June. The fruits bear from June to July. 
イギリス・スコットランド「スカイ島」にて、2016年05月31日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro) 

Shu Suehiro