
ジャケツイバラ科カワラケツメイ属の常緑低木で、学名は Cassia floribunda (Senna x floribunda)。英名は Smooth cassia、Arsenic bush。
The Smooth cassia (Cassia floribunda) belongs to the family Caesalpiniaceae. It is a small evergreen tree that is native to South America. The leaves are pari-pinnate compound and alternate. The leaflets are lanceolate with pointed tips. Orange-yellow flowers bloom from early summer to early fall. It is also known as "Oobano-habu-so" or "Kidachi-habu-so" in Japan.
[上・中1] 大阪市鶴見区「咲くやこの花館」にて、2003年03月20日撮影。 [中2・下] 同上にて、2003年11月14日撮影。