
ゴマノハグサ科カスティレヤ属の一年草で、学名は Castilleja indivisa。英名は Texas paintbrush、Scarlet paintbrush。
The Texas paintbush (Castilleja indivisa) belongs to Scrophulariaceae (the Figwort family). It is an annual herb that is native from south-eastern to south-western Texas in the United States. This herb grows on sandy soils and can reach 15-40 cm in height. The leaves are lanceolate and alternate. The scarlet flowers come in March to May. The bracts are visible and the flowers are inconspicuous creamy color.
[上・中1] アメリカ・テキサス州マッキニー市「ハードミュージアム」にて、2007年04月06日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro) [中2・下] アメリカ・テキサス州ダラス市にて、2003年04月20日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)