
熱帯アメリカに分布するワルスケウィッチイ種(Catasetum warscewiczii)とロセウム種(Catasetum roseum)との種間交雑種です。着生ランで、紡錘形の球茎から長楕円形の葉を数個だします。冬から春にかけて、球茎の下部から花茎をのばし、数〜10数個の淡いピンク色の花を咲かせます。写真の品種は、「ビーバーバレー(cv. Beaver Valley)」。
ラン科カタセツム属の半常緑多年草で、学名は Catasetum Grace Dunn。英名はありません。
Catasetum Grace Dunn belongs to Orchidaceae (the Orchid family). It is a semi-evergreen perennial herb that is an interspecific hybrid between Catasetum warscewizii and Catasetum roseum. The parent species are native to tropical America. This orchid is an epiphyte, the corms are spindle-shaped and come into several oblong leaves. They send up flower stalks from the underpart of corms and bloom several to over 10 pale pink flowers from winter to spring. The photos are cultivar 'Beaver Valley'.