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Cirsium heterophyllum

Cirsium heterophyllum

Cirsium heterophyllum

Cirsium heterophyllum

Cirsium heterophyllum

Cirsium heterophyllum

キク科アザミ属の多年草で、学名は Cirsium heterophyllum。英名は Melancholy thistle。
The Melancholy thistle (Cirsium heterophyllum) belongs to Asteraceae (the Aster family). It is a perennial herb that is native to Europe and western Asia. This herb grows in upland meadows, grasslands, road verges and open woodland, and up to a height of 45-120 cm. Unusually for a thistle, it lacks spines. The basal leaves are lanceolate with petioles and softly prickly edges. The cauline leaves do not have petioles and clasp the stem. The red-purple flower-heads appear from July to August.
[上・中1〜2] イギリス・コーンウォール州「ランズエンド岬」にて、2011年08月21日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)
[中3〜4・下] ノルウェー・ムーレ・オ・ロムスダール県ガイランゲル村にて、2018年06月29日撮影。(photo by Jouette Travis)

Shu Suehiro