
Clematis anshunensis

Clematis anshunensis

Clematis anshunensis

中国の西南部、貴州省に分布しています。山地の落葉樹林内や林縁に生え、蔓の長さは3〜4メートルになります。葉は3出羽状複葉で対生し、革質です。冬咲きで、11月から3月ごろ、ベル形の白い花を下垂して咲かせます。隣接する雲南省や四川省には、変種のステノフィラ種(Clematis anshunensis var. stenophylla)が分布します。和名では「がびさんはんしょうづる(峨眉山半鐘蔓)」と呼ばれますが、世界遺産としても有名な四川省の峨眉山に因みます。また種小名は、貴州省西南部の安順市(Anshun)に因むものかもしれません。中国名は「平壩鉄線蓮(ping ba tie xian lian)」。
キンポウゲ科センニンソウ属の常緑蔓性小低木で、学名は Clematis anshunensis(syn. Clematis clarkeana)。英名はありません。
The Clematis anshunensis belongs to Ranunculaceae (the Buttercup family). It is an evergreen shrub that is distributed to Guizhou Province in southwestern China. It grows in deciduous forests and forest margins in mountainous areas, and its tendrils are 3-4 m long. The leaves are triternate pinnately compound, opposite, and leathery. It is a winter bloomer and produces drooping, bell-shaped white flowers from November to March. The Clematis anshunensis var. stenophylla is distributed in the neighboring provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan. Its Japanese name, "峨眉山半鐘蔓" (Gabisan-hansho-zuru), refers to Mount Emei in Sichuan Province, which is a famous World Heritage site. The specific epithet may also refer to the city of Anshun in the southwestern part of Guizhou Province. The Chinese name is "平壩鐵線蓮" (ping ba tie xian lian).

Shu Suehiro