
クマツヅラ科クサギ属の常緑小低木で、学名は Clerodendrum scandens(syn. Clerodendrum umbellatum)。英名は Umbel clerodendrum。
The Umbel clerodendrum (Clerodendrum scandens) belongs to Verbenaceae (the Verbena family). It is an evergreen shrub that is distributed in tropical Africa. It grows in seasonally dry tropical biomes, is a vine, climbs on other plants and other vegetation, and can grow up to 6 m long. The branches are slender and finely pubescent. The leaves are oblong or ovate-elliptic and entire, with petioles 2 to 8 cm long. White to pink flowers bloom in summer in umbels at the ends of branches. The center of the corolla is pink or reddish. The fruit is a spherical capsule. This plant has been used for various folk medicines in its native habitat.