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Benthamidia capitata

Benthamidia capitata

ミズキ科ヤマボウシ属の常緑または半常緑の小高木で、学名は Benthamidia capitata (syn. Cornus capitata)。英名は Evergreen dogwood。 
The evergreen dogwood (Benthamidia capitata) belongs to Cornaceae (the Dogwood family). It is a semi-tall, evergreen to semi-evergreen tree that is native to the Himalayas, northern India and China. This tree typically grows to 6-8 m in height. The leaves are dark green above and gray-green below, ovate to lanceolate, leathery and rough to the touch. The older leaves eventually drop in spring as new growth appears. The white flowers bloom in late spring to early summer. The showy parts of "flower" are the four, petal-like bracts. After flowering, it produces fleshy, edible, strawberry-like berries that ripen in clusters in fall. 
イギリス・コーンウォール州「ランズエンド岬」にて、2011年08月21日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro) 

Shu Suehiro