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Crescentia alata

Crescentia alata

Crescentia alata

Crescentia alata

ノウゼンカズラ科クレスケンティア属の常緑小高木で、学名は Crescentia alata(syn. Parmentiera alata)。英名は Mexican calabash。
The Mexican calabash (Crescentia alata) belongs to Bignoniaceae (the Trumpet creeper family). It is an evergreen semi-tall tree that is native from southern Mexico to Costa Rica. This tree grows in pastures or fields and can reach about 8 m in height. The leaves are monophyllous and fasciculate. The flowers are borne on the stems and pollinated by bats. The fruits are cannonball-like 7-10 cm in diameter. It is also cultivated, the fruits are hollowed and dried and used as containers for food and drink, musical rattles known as maracas.

Shu Suehiro