クロッサンドラ (狐の日傘)

Crossandra infundibuliformis

Crossandra infundibuliformis

Crossandra infundibuliformis

Crossandra infundibuliformis

Crossandra infundibuliformis

Crossandra infundibuliformis

Crossandra infundibuliformis

キツネノマゴ科ヘリトリオシベ属の常緑小低木で、学名は Crossandra infundibuliformis。英名は Firecracker flower。
The Firecracker flower (Crossandra infundibuliformis) belongs to Acanthaceae (the Acanthus family). It is an evergreen shrub that is native to India and Sri Lanka. This shrub was introduced into Japan at the beginning of Taisho Period (1912-1926). In Japanese names, it is called "Heritori-oshibe" (edged stamens), "Jyogobana" (funnel flower), "Kitsuneno-higasa" (fox parasols) and so on. The spikes are borne on the slim peduncles at the upper axils throughout the year. The orange flowers bloom from the bottom of spikes. There are many individual variations in flowers.
[上・中1] 大阪市鶴見区「咲くやこの花館」にて、2004年09月16日撮影。
[中2〜中4] 同上にて、2017年09月15日撮影。
[中5・下] アメリカ・テキサス州「ビッグベンド国立公園」にて、2013年09月27日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)

Shu Suehiro