
ヘゴ科ヘゴ属の常緑シダ類で、学名は Cyathea smithii (syn. Alsophila smithii)。英名は Soft tree fern。
The Soft tree fern (Cyathea smithii) belongs to Cyatheaceae (the Tree-fern family). It is an evergreen tree fern that is endemic to New Zealand. On the North Island, it is found in cool, moist montane areas, while on the South Island and Stewart Island it grows in lowlands. The trunk is brown and can grow up to 6 m tall. The lower part has a whisker-like prop root. The fronds are long and pale green. The roots emit an inhibitor to control the growth of other plants. The Maori people steamed the trunks and ate the pith.
ニュージーランド・ウェストコースト地方ハースト町区にて、2003年12月30日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)