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Cytisus nigricans

Cytisus nigricans

Cytisus nigricans

Cytisus nigricans

Cytisus nigricans

マメ科エニシダ属の落葉小低木で、学名は Cytisus nigricans (syn. Lembotropis nigricans)。英名は Black broom。 
The Black bloom (Cytisus nigricans) belongs to Fabaceae (the Pea family). It is a deciduous subshrub that is distributed in central to eastern Europe and central to eastern European Russia. It grows in forests and shrublands and is 90-150 cm tall. The branches are thin and erect. The leaves are trifoliate compound, alternate, and the leaflets are elliptic. From summer to early fall, long racemes of bright yellow, slightly fragrant papillionaceous flowers are produced at the tips of the current year's branches. 

Shu Suehiro