わが国の各地をはじめ、ほとんど世界中に分布しています。低地の湿地などに生え、高さは1.5〜2メートルになります。細い葉の幅は1〜2センチほどです。6月から8月ごろ、円柱形の花序をだします。雌花群のすぐうえに雄花群がついています。大国主命の伝説のなかで、「因幡の白兎」が身にまとったのがこの「蒲の穂綿」です。中国語では「ェ葉香蒲(kuan ye xiang pu)」と呼ばれます。
The Reedmace (Typha latifolia) belongs to Typhaceae (the Cattail family). It is a perennial herb that is widely distributed throughout Japan and the world. This herb grows in lowland marches and can reach 1.5-2 m in height. The leaves are linear and 1-2 cm wide. The columnar cluster is borne from June to August. The male flowers are located directly above the female flowers. In the legend of Okuninushi, the "white rabbit of Inaba" is said to have been wearing "cattail cotton". In Chinese, it is called "ェ葉香蒲" (kuan ye xiang pu).