
オオバコ科ガンベリア属の常緑多年草で、学名は Gambelia speciosa (syn. Galvezia speciosa)。英名は Island snapdragon、Showy greenbright。
The Island snapdragon (Gambelia speciosa) belongs to Plantaginaceae (the Plantain family). It is a evergreen perennial herb that is native to the Channel Islands in southern California and Baja California. This herb grows in California chaparral and woodlands, and it can reach 75-120 cm in height. The leaves are bright green, elliptic, and somewhat thick. The flowers are red, snapdragon like and bloom in spring. They attract hummingbirds.
ポルトガル・アルガルヴェ地方カストロマリンにて、2016年02月04日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji)