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Gesneria 'Yellow Bird'

Gesneria 'Yellow Bird'

Gesneria 'Yellow Bird'

イワタバコ科ゲスネリア属の常緑小低木で、学名は Gesneria cv. Yellow Bird。英名はありません。 
The Gesneria cv. Yellow Bird belongs to Gesneriaceae (the African violet family). It is an evergreen shrub that is a garden variety created by Mary Jane Evans of the Unite States from a cross between the woody Gesneria pedunculosa and the yellow-flowered Gesneria chitrina, both of which are found in Puerto Rico in the West Indies. The leaves are elliptic, leathery, and shiny on the surface, with fine serrations on the upper half of the margin. Cymose inflorescences emerge from the leaf axils almost all year round and produce yellow tubular flowers. The corolla is five lobed with inverted lobes. The stamens and pistil protrude longer than the corolla. The fruit is a capsule. 

Shu Suehiro