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Ribes aureum var. aureum

Ribes aureum var. aureum

Ribes aureum var. aureum

Ribes aureum var. aureum

Ribes aureum var. aureum

Ribes aureum var. aureum

Ribes aureum var. aureum

スグリ科スグリ属の落葉小低木で、学名は Ribes aureum var. aureum。英名は Golden currant、Buffalo currant。
Golden currant (Ribes aureum var. aureum) belongs to the family Grossulariaceae (the Gooseberry family). It is a deciduous tree that native to Canada and the western part of United States. This shrub grows in the moist canyons and shady gullies and on rocky hills, and it can reach 90-240 cm in height. The leaves are light green shiny three-lobed. The flowers are fragrant, tubular, yellow, and bloom in spring. The fruits are red, yellow, black or brown berries. They were formerly used with buffalo meat to make pemmican by Native Americans.
[上・中1〜3] アメリカ・オレゴン州ハーパーにて、
[中4〜5・下] アメリカ・アイダホ州「ショショーン滝」にて、

Shu Suehiro