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Viburnum suspensum

Viburnum suspensum

Viburnum suspensum

スイカズラ科ガマズミ属の常緑低木で、学名は Viburnum suspensum。英名はありません。
The "Gomo-ju" (Viburnum suspensum) belongs to Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle family). It is an evergreen small tree that is native to the South-western Islands of Japan, Amami Island and Okinawa Islands. This tree occurs in sunny mountain slopes and outskirs of forest and can reach about 4 m in height. The leaves are obovate to elliptic, thick and opposite. The small panicles are borne on the terminal branches and bloom white flowers about 1 cm across from December to March. The fruits are drupes and ripen red to black in summer. Its Japanese name is said to be a corruption of "gomon-ju" (meaning "gate tree" because it was planted in front of the gate of Shuri Castle) or "goma-ju" (meaning "sesame tree" because the leaves smell like sesame when rubbed).

Shu Suehiro