
チャセンシダ科チャセンシダ属の常緑シダ類で、学名は Asplenium australasicum。英名は Bird's nest fern、Crow's nest fern。
The Bird's nest fern (Asplenium australasicum) belongs to Aspleniaceae (the Spleenworts family). It is an evergreen fern that is distributed in eastern Australia, from eastern New South Wales to Queensland, as well as Norfolk Island and New Caledonia. It grows in moist tropical biomes near coast, and is either epiphytic or lithophytic. The leaves are shiny green and 50-175 cm long. There is a prominent midrib below the frond, which gives the appearance of a keel running across the frond. The sporangia form parallel lines that run parallel to the lateral veins and diagonally across the midrib. It is also known by the name "Ryukyu-torinosu-sida" (Ryukyu bird's nest fern) in Japan.