グラマトフィルム・ヴァリシイ [Index] [Back]

Grammatophyllum wallisii

Grammatophyllum wallisii

Grammatophyllum wallisii

フィリピンに分布しています。おもに熱帯バイオームに生え、樹木や岩に着生します。数百キログラムにもなる巨大な群落に成長し、世界で最も重いランとして記録されています。 偽球茎は非常に長い円筒形で、黄色がかった色で、年を経るにつれて節ができ、長さは最大3メートルにもなります。葉は長い線形です。夏から秋にかけて、非常に長い花序をだし、花を30〜50個ずつ、つぎつぎと咲かせます。花は黄色地に赤褐色の斑点があるトラ柄です。種小名は、19世紀のドイツの植物収集家、グスタフ・ヴァリスにちなみます。 
ラン科グラマトフィルム属の常緑多年草で、学名は Grammatophyllum wallisii。英名は Wallis's grammatophyllum。 
The Wallis's grammatophyllum (Grammatophyllum wallisii) belongs to Orchidaceae (the Orchid family). It is an evergreen herb that is found in the Philippines. It grows mainly in tropical biomes, and is an epiphyte that grows on trees and rocks. It grows into huge colonies that can weigh several hundred kilograms, and is recorded as the heaviest orchid in the world. The pseudobulbs are very long and cylindrical, yellowish in color, and develop nodes as they age, reaching a maximum length of 3 m. The leaves are long and linear. From summer to fall, it produces very long inflorescences, each with 30 to 50 flowers that bloom one after another. The flowers are tiger-striped, with a yellow base and reddish-brown spots. The specific epithet is named after Gustav Wallis (1830-1878), a German botanist who collected plants in the 19th century. 

Shu Suehiro