
バラ科サクラ属の落葉高木で、学名は Prunus lannesiana cv. Gioiko。英名はありません。
"Gyoiko" (Prunus lannesiana cv. Gioiko) belongs to Rosaceae (the Rose family). It is a tall decidous tree that is the "Japanese cherry" which is said to have been in the Arakawa Dike in Tokyo, and herited from "Ooshima-zakura" (Prunus speciosa). This tree blooms pale green flowers from the middle of April to the end of April. The color of the flower changes from yellowish green to yellow, and when it is in full bloom the central part becomes red in color. The Japanese name is based on the color of this flower compared to the color of aristocratic costumes.
[上・中1] 京都府宇治市「宇治市植物公園」にて、2005年04月28日撮影。 [中2・下] 富山県南砺市「砺波市園芸植物園」にて、2017年04月22日撮影。