からふとだいこんそう (樺太大根草)

Geum macrophyllum var. sachalinense

Geum macrophyllum var. sachalinense

Geum macrophyllum var. sachalinense

Geum macrophyllum var. sachalinense

Geum macrophyllum var. sachalinense

バラ科ダイコンソウ属の多年草で、学名は Geum macrophyllum var. sachalinense。英名はありません。 
"Karafuto-daikon-so" (Geum macrophyllum var. sachalinense) belongs to Rosaceae (the Rose family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed from Chubu district of Honshu north to Hokkaido in Japan. This herb grows in the mountains and can reach 60-90 cm in height. It is similar to "Yellow avens" (Geum aleppicum), but with white bristles on the stem. The basal leaves are pinnate compound, and the tips of the terminal segments are rounded. The cauline leaves split into 3-lobes, does not become a compound leaf. The yellow flowers come in June to September. The aggregate fruit is spherical. 
[上] 長野県小谷村「栂池自然園」にて、2005年07月11日撮影。
[中1〜3・下] 長野県小谷村「栂の森遊歩道」にて、2005年07月11日撮影。 

Shu Suehiro