
ヤマノイモ科ヤマノイモ属の多年草で、学名は Dioscorea quinqueloba。英名はありません。
"Kaede-dokoro" (Dioscorea quinqueloba) belongs to Dioscoreaceae (the Yam family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed westward from Chubu district of Honshu to Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan. This herb grows in montane thin forests, and entwines itself around adjascent plants. The leaves are trilobate or divided into 5-9 lobes palmately. They have a pair of small projections at the bases. It is dioecious. The flowering clusters bear in axils from July to August. The tepals are yellow and spreding out. The fruits are broad-ovate capsules with three wings, and dispersed by the wind.