THe "Kago-no-ki" (Litsea coreana) belongs to Lauraceae (the Laurel family). It is a tall evergreen tree that is distributed from Kanto-district of Honshu west to Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan, as well as the southern Korean Peninsula and Taiwan. This tree grows in the evergreen broad-leaved forests, and can reach 10-15 m in height. Birk is greish-black, and often shedding in large flake. Leaves are lanceolate to oblong, alternate and crowd at the end of twig. The surface of leaf is glossy dark green and underside is albescent. From August to September, male and female inflorescences are born on the axils, with small pale yellow flowers. Fruits are round berries and ripen red in the next fall. The Japanese name comes from the bark peeling off to reveal a pattern resembling a fawn. In Taiwanese Chinese, it is called "鹿皮斑木薑子".