かいがらたけ (貝殻茸)

Lenzites betulina

Lenzites betulina

Lenzites betulina

Lenzites betulina

Lenzites betulina

サルノコシカケ科カイガラタケ属の一年生キノコで、学名は Lenzites betulina。英名は Multicolor gill polypore。 
The Multicolor gill polypore (Lenzites betulina) belongs to Polyporaceae (Bracket fungi family). It is an annual fungus that is widely distributed all over the world, including various parts of Japan. This fungus grows on dead trees such as needles and broad-leaved trees and grows in clusters from summer to fall. It is a wood-rotting fungus. The pileus is semi-circular and has a narrow concentric patterned of white, gray or grayish brown on the surface. The conext is thin, white and leathery. The back of the pileus is pleated and slightly sparse, white to yellowish white. 
[上・中1〜2] 岐阜県中津川市「苗木城趾」にて、2004年10月02日撮影。
[中3・下] 岩手県宮古市「月山」にて、2022年04月10日撮影。

Shu Suehiro