かんちこうぞりな (寒地髪剃菜)

Picris hieracioides ssp. kamtschatica

Picris hieracioides ssp. kamtschatica

Picris hieracioides ssp. kamtschatica

Picris hieracioides ssp. kamtschatica

Picris hieracioides ssp. kamtschatica

Picris hieracioides ssp. kamtschatica

Picris hieracioides ssp. kamtschatica

Picris hieracioides ssp. kamtschatica

Picris hieracioides ssp. kamtschatica

キク科コウゾリナ属の二年草で、学名は Picris hieracioides ssp. kamtschatica。英名はありません。
The "Kanchi-kouzorina" (Picris hieracioides ssp. kamtschatica) belongs to Asteraceae (the Aster family). It is a biennial herb that is distributed northward from Chubu district of Honshu to Hokkaido in Japan, and as well as Northeastern Asia. This herb grows in sub-alpine to alpine grasslands, and can reach 25-50 cm in height. The stems, leaves and bracts are covered with long bristly hairs. The leaves at the middle of stems are lanceolate, serrated and arranged alternately. The stems are branched at the upper parts, and the yellow, 25-30 mm across, flowerheads bloom from July to August. The bracts are tinged blackish.
[上・中1・中3・中5] 長野県小谷村千国乙「栂池自然園」にて、2006年08月02日撮影。
[中2・中4] 長野県白馬村北城「八方尾根」にて、2006年08月25日撮影。
[中6〜7・下] 長野県山ノ内町「東館山高山植物園」にて、2010年07月25日撮影。

Shu Suehiro