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Lindera erythrocarpa

Lindera erythrocarpa

Lindera erythrocarpa

Lindera erythrocarpa

Lindera erythrocarpa

わが国の本州、神奈川県以西から四国・九州、それに台湾や朝鮮半島、中国の中南部に分布しています。山地や丘陵に生え、高さは5〜15メートルになります。樹皮は淡褐色で、小さな皮目が目立ち、古くなると不規則に剥がれます。和名は、この剥げ落ちた跡が鹿の子模様となり、その「鹿の子木」が変化したものと言われています。葉は倒披針形で長さ5〜15センチ、縁は全縁です。雌雄異株です。4月から5月ごろ、葉腋に散形花序をだし、淡い黄緑色の花を咲かせます。果実は液果で9月から10月に赤色に熟します。台湾華語では「鐵釘樹」、中国語では「紅果山胡椒(hong guo shan hu jiao)」と呼ばれます。 
クスノキ科クロモジ属の落葉小高木で、学名は Lindera erythrocarpa (syn. Lindera thunbergii)。英名は Thunber's spice bush。 
The Thunber's spice bush (Lindera erythrocarpa) belongs to Lauraceae (the Laurel family). It is a semi-tall deciduous tree that is distributed from Kanagawa Prefecture of Honshu westward to Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan, as well as Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, and central and southern China. It grows on mountains and hills and grows 5 to 15 m high. The bark is light brown with small lenticels that peel off irregularly as it ages. The Japanese name is said to have been derived from the "fawn pattern" of the bark, which is a variation of the Japanese word "Kanoko-ki" (fawn tree). The leaves are oblanceolate, 5-15 cm long, and have entire margins. The plant is dioecious, and around April to May, it produces umbels of pale yellowish-green flowers in the axils of its leaves. The berries are berries that ripen to red from September to October. It is called "鐵釘樹" in Taiwanese and "紅果山胡椒" (hong guo shan hu jiao) in Chinese. 

Shu Suehiro