バラ科カナメモチ属の常緑小高木で、学名は Photinia glabra。英名は Japanese photinia。
The Japanese photinia ( Photinia glabra) belongs to Rosaceae (the Rose family). It is a small evergreen tree that is distribuded westward from Shizuoka precture of Honshu to Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan and southern-central China. This tree can reach 5-10 m in height. The leaves are thin leathery and alternate. The corymbs are borne and bloom small, many, white fowers from May to June. This appearance was likened to that of soba (buckwheat) and was called "soba-no-ki" (buckwheat tree) in olden times. It is said that this name still remains in the dialects of Wakayama and Kochi prefectures. It is also called "akame-mochi" because of the bright red color of its budding leaves. The timber is very hard, strong and used for linchpin of a fan, cartwheel, handle or nose ring.
[上] 千葉県香取市阿玉川にて、2008年05月07日撮影。 [中1] 茨城県神栖市土合西にて、2008年05月09日撮影。 [中2〜中4] 長野県安曇野市穂高有明にて、2006年06月02日撮影。 [中5] 大阪府四條畷市逢阪「みどりの文化園」にて、2003年04月18日撮影。 [中6・中7] 大阪府交野市「大阪市大付属植物園」にて、2005年12月01日撮影。 [中8〜9・下] 宮城県川崎町支倉にて、2022年04月30日撮影。