ウマノスズクサ科カンアオイ属の常緑多年草で、学名は Asarum nipponicum var. nipponicum (syn. Heterotropa nipponica)。英名はありません。
The "Kan-aoi" (Asarum nipponicum var. nipponicum) belongs to Aristolochiaceae (the Birthwort family). It is an evergreen perennial herb that is endemic to Japan and is distributed from the southern part of the Kanto region to the eastern part of the Kii Peninsula in Honshu. It grows in forests in mountains and hills and is about 10 cm tall. The leaves are ovate to ovate-elliptic with a deep heart-shaped base. Cream or dark purple flowers bloom at the base from October to February. The calyx tube is bell-shaped, does not constrict at the top, and the calyx lobes are ovate-triangular, not wavy. It is also known as a food plant for the larvae of the "Japanese Luehdorfia" butterfly.