かなわらび (鉄蕨) [Index] [Back]

Arachniodes rhomboidea

Arachniodes rhomboidea

Arachniodes rhomboidea

Arachniodes rhomboidea

Arachniodes rhomboidea

Arachniodes rhomboidea

わが国の本州、関東南部以西から四国・九州、それに台湾や朝鮮半島、東南アジア、インドに分布しています。山地の林床や沢沿いに生えます。葉は2回羽状複葉で、長さ35〜75センチ、幅25〜40センチになります。葉は鮮やかな緑色で柔らかく、光沢があります。側羽片は5〜10対あり、それより上に頂羽片がつきます。小羽片は平行四辺形です。ソーラスは小羽片の辺縁近くにつき、包膜は円腎形です。別名で、「おおかなわらび(大鉄蕨)」とも呼ばれます。台湾華語では「斜方複葉耳蕨」、中国語では「斜方複葉耳蕨(xie fang fu ye er jue)」です。
オシダ科カナワラビ属の常緑シダ類で、学名は Arachniodes rhomboidea (syn. Arachniodes amabilis var. fimbriata)。英名はありません。
The "Kana-warabi" (Arachniodes rhomboidea) belongs to the family Dryopteridaceae. It is an evergreen fern that is distributed from southern Kanto district of Honshu westwards to Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan, as well as Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, Southeast Asia and India. It grows in mountain forests and along streams. The leaves are bipinnate compound, 35-75 cm long and 25-40 cm wide. The leaves are bright green, soft and shiny. There are 5-10 pairs of lateral pinnae, and above these are the terminal pinnae. The pinnules are parallelogram. The sorus is attached near the margin of the pinnules, and the indusium is reniform. It is also known as "Oo-kana-warabi". In Taiwanese, it is called "斜方複葉耳蕨", and in Chinese, it is called "斜方複葉耳蕨" (xie fang fu ye er jue).

Shu Suehiro