
サトイモ科ハンゲ属の多年草で、学名は Pinellia ternata。英名は Crow dipper。
The crow dipper (Pinellia ternata) belongs Araceae (the Arum family). It is a perennial herb that is native to all over Japan, as well as the Korean Peninsula and China. This herb grows in dry fields or stream edges, and can reach 20-40 cm in height. The leaves are trifoliate with elliptic to oblong leaflets. It resembles to the Green dragon (Pinellia tripartita), though it is defined that the bulbils bear at the petioles or the leaflet bases. The flowering stalks are borne and the flowers bloom with green or tinged purple spathes from May to August. The flowers have not perianthes, the female flower bands are borne at the underneath spadix and the male flower bands are borne at the upper one. The elongated appendix is long filiform and grows erect over the spathe.
[上・中1] 千葉県香取市大角にて、2011年06月03日撮影。 [中2] 同上にて、2011年04月22日撮影。 [中3・中4] 同上にて、2012年04月24日撮影。 [中5〜7・下] 宮城県仙台市「東北大学植物園」にて、2016年05月14日撮影。