かすまぐさ (かす間草)

Vicia tetrasperma

Vicia tetrasperma

Vicia tetrasperma

Vicia tetrasperma

わが国の本州から四国・九州、それに台湾や中国、ユーラシア大陸の温帯地域に広く分布しています。野原や道ばたなどに生え、巻きひげをだして絡みつきます。葉は偶数羽状複葉で、小葉は3〜6対あります。4月から5月ごろ、葉腋から花柄をだし、1〜3個の小さな淡青紫色の蝶形花を咲かせます。和名は「からすのえんどう(烏野豌豆)」と「すずめのえんどう(雀野豌豆)」の中間的な形態をもつことから。台湾華語では「烏嘴豆」、中国語では「四籽野豌豆(si zi ye wan dou)」と呼ばれます。
マメ科ソラマメ属の二年草で、学名は Vicia tetrasperma。英名は Lentil vetch、Slender vetch。 
The Lentil vetch (Vicia tetrasperma) belongs to Fabaceae (the Pea family). It is a biennial herb that is distributed from Honshu to Shikoku, Kyushu in Japan, as well as Taiwan, China, and widely temperate regions of Eurasia. It grows in fields and along roadsides, and twines around itself with its tendrils. The leaves are pari-pinnate compound with 3 to 6 pairs of leaflets. 1 to 3 small, pale blue-purple, papillionaceous flowers bloom from the leaf axils with peduncles from April to May. Its Japanese name is derived from its intermediate form between the "Common vetch" (Vicia angustifolia) and the "Hairy tare" (Vicia hirsuta). In Taiwanese Chinese it is called "烏嘴豆" and in Chinese "四籽野豌" (si zi ye wan dou). 

Shu Suehiro