
キク科ヤマハハコ属の多年草で、学名は Anaphalis margaritacea ssp. yedoensis。英名はありません。
The "Kawara-hahako" (Anaphalis margaritacea ssp. yedoensis) belongs to Asteraceae (the Aster family). It is a perennial herb that is disributed all over Japan. This herb grows in the sandy area of dry riverbeds, and up to a height of 30-50 cm. The stems are crowded and branched in the middle part of the stem. The leaves are linear and the grayish white fluffs bristle on the reverse side. They are entire and the edges are winding on the back sides. The flower-heads bloom in the corymbs-like inflorescence at the upper part of the stem from August to October. They are yellow tubular flowers, and are wrapped by white petal-like bracts. This plant is dioecious.
[上・中1〜4] 大阪府河内長野市「花の文化園」にて、2017年09月22日撮影。 [中5〜6・下] 山形県小国町小玉川にて、2021年09月20日撮影。