きじのおしだ (雉の尾羊歯) [Index] [Back]

Plagiogyria japonica

Plagiogyria japonica

Plagiogyria japonica

わが国の本州、東北地方南部以南から四国・九州、それに台湾や朝鮮半島、中国に分布しています。山地の林下に生え、高さは40〜80センチになります。葉は2形あります。栄養葉は単羽状複葉で濃緑色、光沢があり、柔らかい革質です。羽片は無柄で鎌状に曲りません。胞子葉の羽片は線形で有柄です。また羽軸沿いにソーラスを長くつけ、熟した後は枯れます。和名は、葉の形が雉の尾に似ることから。台湾華語では「華東瘤足蕨」、中国語では「華東瘤足蕨(hua dong liu zu jue)」と呼ばれます。
キジノオシダ科キジノオシダ属の常緑性シダ類で、学名は Plagiogyria japonica。英名はありません。
The "Kijino-o-shida" (Plagiogyria japonica) belongs to the family Plagiogyriaceae. It is an evergreen fern that is distributed from the southern Tohoku region of Honshu south to Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan, as well as Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, and China. It grows under forests in mountainous areas and is 40 to 80 cm tall. It has dimorphic leaves. The sterile fronds are dark green, glossy, and softly leathery. The pinnae are sessile and not curved into a sickle shape. The pinnae of the fertile frond are linear and stipitate. It also bears a long sorus along the midrib of pinnae, which withers when ripe. The Japanese name comes from the leaf shape, which resembles a pheasant's tail. In Taiwanese Chinese, it is called "華東瘤足蕨" and "華東瘤足蕨" (hua dong liu zu jue) in Chinese.

Shu Suehiro