きく・あつもの (菊・厚物)

Chrysanthemum grandiflorum 'Atsu-mono'

Chrysanthemum grandiflorum 'Atsu-mono'

Chrysanthemum grandiflorum 'Atsu-mono'

キク科キク属の多年草で、学名は Chrysanthemum grandiflorum。英名は Chrysanthemum 'Atsu-mono'。
The Chrysanthemum 'Atsu-mono' belongs to Asteaceae (the Aster family). It is a perennial herb that is a transmuted-flower chrysanthemum cultivar-group that was raised in Japan in the middle days of Edo Era (1603-1868). It is defined by the large flower-head up to 18 cm across with many thick tubular petals.

Shu Suehiro