きばなみそはぎ (黄花禊萩)

Heimia myrtifolia

Heimia myrtifolia

Heimia myrtifolia

Heimia myrtifolia

ミソハギ科キバナミソハギ属の落葉小低木で、学名は Heimia myrtifolia。英名はありません。 
Heimia myrtifolia belongs to Lythraceae (the Loosestrife family). It is a deciduous shrub that is native to Brazil and Uruguay. This bushy shrub grows in stream edges and can reach about 1 m in height. The leaves are lanceolate, entire and arranged in opposte. The yellow flowers bloom in the axils from June to July. 
[上・中1] 東京都文京区「小石川植物園」にて、2009年08月09日撮影。
[中2・下] 京都市左京区「京都府立植物園」にて、2003年07月06日撮影。 

Shu Suehiro