
バラ科リンゴ属の落葉小高木で、学名は Malus toringo f. toringo。英名はありません。
"Kimi-zumi" (Malus toringo f. toringo) belongs to Rosaceae (the Rose family). It is a semi-tall tree that is a form of "Zumi" distributed in various parts of Japan and the Korean Peninsula. This tree grows in mountains and fields, and can reach about 10 m in height. The twigs are stiff and often turn into thorns. The leaves are ovate and alternate, but some long-branched leaves split into 3-5 lobes. The browses are twofold when come out in foliation. The white flowers come in umbels at the tips of the branches from April to June. The buds of this flower are crimson. The flower has three styles and numerous stamens. The fruits are spherical and ripen yellow from September to October.