わが国の本州、近畿地方から中国地方に分布しています。渓流沿いの水湿地に生え、高さは40〜100センチになります。茎には3稜があり、葉は線形でM字形の断面です。5月から6月ごろ、茎の上部に4〜7個の小穂をつけます。頂小穂は雄性で茶褐色を帯び、側小穂は雌性で円柱形です。「かさすげ(Carex dispalata)」によく似ていますが、果期にも果苞に花柱が残るのが特徴です。
カヤツリグサ科スゲ属の多年草で、学名は Carex persistens。英名はありません。
"Kinki-kasa-suge" (Carex persistens) belongs to Cyperaceae (the Sedge family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed from Kinki region to Chugoku region of Honshu in Japan. It grows in wetlands along mountain streams and grows 40 to 100 cm tall. The stems have three ridges, and the leaves are linear with an M-shaped cross section. 4 to 7 spikelets are produced at the top of the stem from May to June. The acrogyrous spikelets are male and brownish brown, and the pleurogerous spikelets are female and cylindrical. It is similar to the "Kasa-suge" (Carex dispalata), except that the style of the flower remains on the fruit bracts even during the fruiting stage.