
ウリ科カボチャ属の一年草で、学名は Cucurbita pepo。英名は Spaghetti squash。
The Spaghetti squash (Cucurbita pepo) belongs to Cucurbitaceae (the Gourd family). It is an annual herb that is probably native to Maxico and Central America. It is a kind of Summer squash and was intruduced into Japan in Meiji Era (1868-1912). This herb is a trailing vine and spreads 60-90 cm wide. The leaves are devided into 3-5 palmately with distinctive toothed edges. The fruits are barrel shaped and ripen in summer to summer. The flesh falls away from the fruit in ribbons or strands like spaghetti when cooked.
[上・中1〜2] 長野市松代町東寺尾にて、2004年08月05日撮影。(photo by Yoko Kitagawa) [中3] 千葉県香取市大角にて、2013年07月03日撮影。 [中4] 同上にて、2013年07月14日撮影。 [中5・下] 宮城県川崎町支倉にて、2022年07月07日撮影。