きそあざみ (木曽薊)

Cirsium babanum var. fauriei

Cirsium babanum var. fauriei

Cirsium babanum var. fauriei

わが国の本州、中央アルプスと御嶽山、乗鞍岳、北アルプス中南部に分布しています。亜高山帯から高山帯の開けた草地や林縁に生え、高さは50〜100センチになります。茎葉は楕円形ないし狭卵形で、羽状に中裂から深裂します。8月から9月ごろ、淡紅紫色の花を咲かせます。花期には根生葉がなく、花が下向きにうなだれて咲くのが特徴です。近縁の「たてやまあざみ(Cirsium babanum var. otayae)」とは、茎葉の切れ込みが深くて鋭い棘があり、総苞がよく粘ることで区別されます。
キク科アザミ属の多年草で、学名は Cirsium babanum var. fauriei。英名はありません。
The "Kiso-azami" (Cirsium babanum var. fauriei) belongs to Asteraceae (the Aster family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed the Central Alps and Mt. Ontake, Mt. Norikura, and the central and southern part of the Northern Alps in Honshu of Japan. This herb grows on open grasslands and forest edges from the subalpine zone to the alpine zone, and can reach a height of 50-100 cm. The leaves are ovate to narrow-ovate, with pinnate to deep fissures. The pink-purple flowers come in August to September. It is characterized by the fact that there are no basal leaves during the flowering period, and the flowers hang down and bloom. It is distinguished from the closely related "Tateyama-azami" (Cirsium babanum var. otayae) by its deep cuts in the cauline leaves and sharp spines, and its well-sticky bracts.

Shu Suehiro