イネ科スズメノヒエ属の多年草で、学名は Paspalum distichum。英名は Knotgrass。
The Knotgrass (Paspalum distichum) belongs to Poaceae (the Grass family). It is a perennial herb that is native to tropical Asia and tropical America. It is naturalized from westward Kanto district of Honshu to Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan. This herb grows along rice field linches and marshes, and can reach 20-40 cm in height. The stems are creeping on the ground, throw out roots at the nodes and form clumps. The forked flowering clusters are borne on the top of stems and produce spikelets with coarsely short hairs from July to September. Their anthers and stigmas are dark purple. Its Japanese name comes from the fact that it was first discovered in Wakayama Prefecture in 1924. It is a C4 plant (Plants with C4-type photosynthesis).
[上・中1〜3] 大阪府四條畷市下田原「ふれあいの森」にて、2006年11月04日撮影。 [中4・下] 茨城県潮来市あやめにて、2008年08月02日撮影。